Made to Measure uPVC Double Glazed Casement Windows in Peterborough

uPVC Double Glazed Casement Windows in Peterborough

Double & Triple Glazing Windows

Interested in a versatile and stylish pair of windows? We believe uPVC case windows are an excellent choice to consider in Peterborough and across the UK. From varying colours, and opening types such as top hung, side hung and fixed there’s an option for everyone. No matter the aesthetic of your home, whether that’s modern or contemporary, we believe our wide range of options will be able to suit your preferences. 

But don’t think you’ll be comprising on durability and build quality; uPVC is a brilliant building material which stands for unplasticized polyvinyl chloride. This is a form of rigid plastic used in profile applications such as doors and windows, a key benefit is that this material will not rot nor corrode which makes uPVC windows very long lasting.

How do uPVC casement windows measure up to what’s on the market?

uPVC casement windows are an affordable option, less expensive than wooden or aluminium windows. It is also a brilliant insulator; uPVC possesses excellent levels of thermal efficiency which will retain the heat inside your home whilst keeping your energy bills low. It features a reinforced frame as well as multi lock points, which maximises your safety ensuring you always feel secure in your home. Regarding maintenance, you’ll only need to wipe down your window frame every now and again, this material will not wear or rot away like wooden timbers would, ensuring they last a lifespan. uPVC is a lightweight material, which makes double and triple glazed windows easy to install.

uPVC Triple Glazed Windows
Double Glazing Windows - Peterborough

uPVC Double and Triple glazed windows

Double or triple glazed windows alongside uPVC window frames work very well together, as double-glazed windows also offer amazing insulating capabilities. Double glazing utilises two panes of glass sandwiched together, a layer of argon gas is then let in, the gas works by acting as a poor conductor which prevents warm air from leaving. The extra pane of glass additionally reduces sound pollution, keeping your home noise free and peaceful. If you are particularly concerned about maximising thermal efficiency as well as lessening the noise of rowdy neighbours, you might like to consider our triple glazed windows which heightens these advantages.

The verdict on uPVC casement windows

Available in Peterborough and across the UK, uPVC casement windows are adaptable and flexible enough for a wide range of people and their homes. Furthermore, it is eco-friendly, made mostly from recyclable materials to prevent long term impact on our environment, it’ll minimise our carbon footprint ensuring we do our part to be environmentally conscience. These windows come in an assortment of styles and configurations delivering an efficient ventilation system with effective airflow in and around the room. This is titled a "tilt and turn" which compromises of a two-window arrangement, which can open in two different directions supplying draft free ventilation. Unlike wooden and timber frames, uPVC is difficult to ignite as a result this establishes an improved standard of fire safety in your home. With the advantages described above, you’ll benefit greatly by installing our uPVC casement windows.

Homeefe Award Winning Casement Windows

In comparison to other types of windows, uPVC casement windows have many advantages:

  • easy to maintain and clean

  • resistant to weather damage - will neither rot nor corrode

  • don't transfer heat well, so highly energy efficient

  • don't conduct sound well, so provide good acoustic insulation (noise reduction of up to 70%)

  • very secure with multiple points lock systems

  • affordable in comparison to wooden and aluminium windows

Homeefe Casement Windows fitters
We offer a full measurement and uPVC windows fitting service in the following area:

Rushden and the surrounding area including Wellingborough, Kettering, Northampton & Northamptonshire, Bedford & Bedfordshire, Peterborough, Coventry, Cambridge, Corby, Rugby, Milton Keynes, Luton, Leicester, Buckinghamshire.

Not sure if our uPVC casement window installation service covers your location? Get In Touch