Made to Measure Double Glazed Aluminium Windows in Coventry

Aluminium Windows in Coventry

Double & Triple Glazing Windows

When it comes to window functions, there are many: they let in light and fresh air, give a view, prevent intruders, and they should also keep out the heat, cold, and noise. In addition to all these practical uses, for windows to be incorporated into any building architecture, they must have a great degree of colour and design versatility.

Aluminium windows are a popular choice due to their many advantages over other materials. Aluminium windows from Homeefe are developed and produced to the highest standards using the latest technology and are very secure. All of our aluminium windows for Coventry are energy efficient and almost maintenance-free as a standard feature.

It doesn't matter if you're building a brand new home, renovating, or modernising an existing one; Homeefe's aluminium windows are very durable, have minimal maintenance, have a long lifespan, and provide virtually limitless design choices.

Double & Triple-Glazed Aluminium Windows

The type of glass you choose has a huge influence not only on the aesthetics of a home, but it's also essential to consider the thermal efficiency of different options.

No question upgrading your home's glazing would help it perform better in terms of energy. All Homeefe Aluminium windows for Coventry come equipped with double and triple glazing, which provides excellent thermal and acoustic insulation.

Compared to double-glazed units, triple-glazed units (TGU) offer almost twice the insulating characteristics. Double-glazed windows can minimise heat loss by up to 75-80% compared with a single- If you live in a colder climate or on an exposed site.

Depending on your noise reduction, energy efficiency, and security priorities, you have options whether to choose double-glazed or triple-glazed aluminium windows by Homeefe.

Triple Glazed Windows
Double Glazing Windows - Coventry

The Tilt & Turn Aluminium Windows Coventry

The tilt & turn aluminium window has a unique characteristic of being both a top opening hopper window style and an inward-swing casement window style. Handle orientation allows easy change between modes thanks to an intelligent hinge and a straight handle mechanism. If you're looking for an in-swing casement with the all-weather ventilation convenience that comes with a hopper, this is it.

Double and triple pane glass, argon gas filling, warm-edge spacers, Low-E coatings, and thoroughly tempered glass are among the features of Homeefe's energy-efficient tilt & turn aluminium windows. Due to anti-slam technology, you don't need to prop the window open when in the tilt position. While in tilted posture, rain is less likely to enter the structure since the water is diverted down into drainage systems.

Homeefe aims to produce energy-efficient, attractive, and lasting aluminium windows. We have a specialised design and engineering team and a professional sales staff in Coventry for unique projects. It is our goal to give the most exemplary client service possible.

Get a Contemporary Feel with Casement Aluminium Window

All of Homeefe's aluminium casement windows can be customised to match your home's decor. Choosing aluminium casement windows will give your home a contemporary feel. Because the frames are so elegantly thin, they allow for a larger glass surface, allowing more light. Several colour options are also available if you'd like to make your house look brighter and more spacious.

Our casement windows are at the forefront in window design because of Homeefe's cutting-edge design. Besides being highly effective in transferring heat, they are also quite durable. While maintaining a classic appearance, our casement windows for Coventry offer updated security and energy management standards. Our custom window collections come in a variety of colours and finishes.

Homeefe Award Winning Aluminium Windows

In comparison to other types of windows, aluminium windows have many advantages:

  • Affordable compared to other options (timber is expensive, PVC might need frequent changes)

  • Highly durable - Resistant to weather changes and corrosion

  • Recyclable material, making your windows eco-friendly

  • Helps in reducing your carbon footprint because of good thermal performance

  • Easy to manufacture and install, save your time and money

  • Higher aesthetic standing, giving your place a beautiful outlook

Homeefe Aluminium Windows fitters
We offer a full measurement and Aluminium windows fitting service in the following area:

Rushden and the surrounding area including Wellingborough, Kettering, Northampton & Northamptonshire, Bedford & Bedfordshire, Peterborough, Coventry, Cambridge, Corby, Rugby, Milton Keynes, Luton, Leicester, Buckinghamshire.

Not sure if our aluminium window installation service covers your location? Get In Touch